You never know when disaster may strike and all your personal possessions are lost or damaged. Do you know how much your coin collection is worth? Do you know how much it would cost to replace all of your furniture and electronics? That’s where a home inventory can help. Creating a home inventory can help you be sure that you have the amount of insurance you need, get your insurance claim settled faster, verify losses for your income tax return, and keep track of all the things you’ve accumulated over the years.
It may seem like a daunting task having to create a list of every item you own, but don’t let that scare you off! There are many ways to create your list, you just have to decide what works best for you. You can go room by room, category by category (furniture, electronics, etc.), newest to oldest, or the most expensive to least expensive. You can write everything down on a notepad, or take pictures and write the information on the back of the photos, or put everything into your computer.
It’s also very important to keep a record of legal documents – birth certificates, passports, and financial documents. You can use your home inventory to record information about these papers. You can note insurance policy numbers, bank account numbers, and insurance policy contact information.
You should keep your home inventory and your important records in a safe place, such as a fireproof lock box. Keeping copies of the items outside of the home is a great idea too – for example, in a safe deposit box or digitally via a cloud-based service. After you make a significant purchase, remember to add the information to your home inventory to keep it up to date.
After you create your home inventory list contact Atchue Insurance Agency at (508) 755-5200 or online at review your homeowners insurance policy. Having an updated inventory can help us ensure that your personal belongings are properly protected.